Any feedback and bug reports welcome!
Thanks to everyone who has posted feedback from the previous beta versions.
Windows installer: ... 2.0.10.msiWindows portable: ... v2.0.10.7zMac OSX: ... 2.0.10.pkgLinux: ... .10.tar.gzChangelog:
* Replaced crackle implementation on CPU and OpenCL (GPU) with fast, optimised implementation.
* Added crackle_old transform which has exactly the same behaviour as in Chaotica 1.
* Added caching of OpenCL programs (Windows and Linux only) - should speed up building of OpenCL programs in many cases, especially with AMD drivers. Not enabled on Mac due to Mac OpenCL driver bugs.
* Added file name suggestion for world saving.
* Saving and restoring last parameter values when switching between transforms in the world editor.
* Using default parameter values for transforms if they are missing in the world file.
* Improved transform previews to be more representative of the transform capabilities. (Thanks tatasz)
* Added a rescale to various trig transforms. (Thanks tatasz)
* Removed unused plugins dir.
* Fixed crash pressing curve reset button with no open world.